Wednesday 2 May 2007

Review: Prince Of Persia: Rival Swords

For anyone with the gamecube version of The Two Thrones, you can ignore this review because it is the same game, just with wii controls. If you don't however. then read on.

Unless you have been living in a cave for the past 4 years, then you will know that the Prince Of Persia: Sands of Time trilogy is about the Prince Of Persia, who through certain ancient artefacts, has unleashed the Sands Of Time and reaked havoc on his land. He travels to the Island of Time (in warrior within) to undo what he has done, only to find that he has to kill Kaileena (The Empress) and The Dahaka. Once they are dead he travels back to Babylon onto to find his homeland is ravaged by war.

The Graphics on this game are very good although there has been little attempt to update the Gamecube graphics (just a few sharper textures).

The Gameplay is immensely good. There is only one niggle with them and that is that, on the final battle with the Vizier, activating the silent kill movements after running uop the poles, are very unresponsive. This coukld probably be put down to the wii processing to much to count it, but it is rather annoying when for the 50th time you die because the silent kill wouldn't activate. The difficulty curve is too steep and some puzzles may annoy (not as bad as The Sands of Time though), and playing the game on hard mode means that 5 hits can kill you.

The Sound is much crisper and makes you feel like you are the Prince Of Persia.

All in all, If you have the gamecube version, then this is not worth another £40 but if you don't, it is an excellent purchase.

Difficulty: 89%
Sound: 93%
Gameplay: 88%
Overall: 86%