Wednesday 28 March 2007

Review: The Godfather Black Hand Edition for Wii!

Many games developers make one game for many consoles where the game is the same on all consoles with only the controls changed. But with The Godfather Blackhand Edition EA have broken the norm of ports. The controls are not easy to remember but once you get them you'll never forget them. Since your movements are replicated on screen what you do is what you see on screen. The sounds are very nice with crashes and the atmosphere replicating that of real life. The whole game is full of nice little touches e.g. slamming the nunchuck down while in a car honks the horn. Unfortunately the graphics let it down. When you play it you realise that the graphics are a direct port form the PS2 version. They look nice, no doubt about it, but we all know that the Wii can do better than that. The framerate and draw distance are excellent and the city really bursts into life without the loading of say... GTA Vice City. The difficulty of earlier missions is poor but things soon liven up when you realise that you can buy tommy guns for so little... and then be ambushed. All in all though it is an excellent game.

Sound: 92%
Graphics: 86%
Difficulty: 93%
Gameplay: 96%

Overall: 92%