Tuesday 10 April 2007

Review: The Legend of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

When this game first came out on the N64 everybody thought it would be amazing. Were they right, well, no.

It feels like Super Mario 64, which isn't a bad things, but it shouldn't because zelda games are meant to be different. The gameplay is let down badly by the Z Targeting, which is nearly useless. You have to be standing directly in front of the thing you are trying to target, and you have to be less than 1 metre away from them. This pisses everyone off to the point of deleting the game. Inside Lord Juba Juba is the most poorly designed level ever created. The difficulty level is too hard the first time round.

The graphics are a mess, with the inside of link's house looking too blurry and the worst rock and grass textures known to man. The only nice sounds in the game are the songs and even they sound like a cat.

So this game is the most disappointing game on the N64 and by no means a worthwhile waste of 7 quid.

Sounds: 36%
Graphics: 53%
Difficulty: 89%
Gameplay: 55%
Overall: 66%